之前某个黑什么APP里关于 Berly M762 这把枪经常有一种说辞, 说蓝洞 暗改过,这枪单发伤害49。 对此我专门前两天去询问了 Pubg support ,今天email终于回复回来了。
我在 12月13日 KST20:04 问 PUBG 的 M762 单发伤害是还是47吧?
Hi Pubg,
I am a Pubg player. After the releasing of the video of introducing the M762, I haven't heard any changes to the M762 rifle. However, recently, I noticed lots of rumors saying that M762's damage was changed to 49 per bullet instead of 47 per bullet showing in the introduction video. I would like to reconfirm if the damage of M762 AR is remaining in 47 per bullet.
I am looking forward to receiving your reply fast.
Thank you!
官方回复:M762单发是47, Mk47 是 49一发, 重来没变过!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12月17日 KST17:56
Hello Survivor,
Thanks for contacting PUBG support
I apologize for the delayed response. The damage of Beryl M762 is still 47 per bullet. it may be the case that, a few players got confused between Beryl M762 and Mk47 Mutant which was added after Beryl M762, as the damage of the Mk47 Mutant is 49 per bullet.
If you have any further questions, please be sure to let us know and we will be happy to assist you.
最后小声bb一句,那些自以为是动不动说游戏暗改的人啊,你们真是** |