原贴如下 链接:[url]https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS/comments/8madmz/dev_letter_recent_feedback_and_our_development/

太长不看版: 回复中大致介绍了 玩家对官方的质疑 以及 现在 bluehole对公司发展模式的思考。 其中最重要的一点 是关于玩家对于近期更新时 对于更新新物品而非解决 掉帧 反作弊等事宜 的解释。 大致意思为 bluehole以及不是那个最初的小公司 所有人都可以干所有事情。 目前各个分组有其专精的业务,比如 专门负责美术,专门负责代码,专门负责新物品等等。 因为术业专攻的问题, 不可能要求做代码的人去做产品公关,也不可能让做美术的人去开发游戏优化。 目前的状况就是,当一个组完成他们的相应任务后,便会把他们的成果在每一周的更新中体现出来。



Gonna be super honest here and hopefully I don’t get torched for it.
Three things are true simultaneously:
I get the criticisms about patches where we introduce new crates without fixes. I really do. It just looks bad. Like our priorities are out of wack. I completely understand the reactions.
People have some overarching problems with our crate system in particular and that understandably makes them even more pissed when we publish a patch that adds more crates but doesn’t solve the most important problems.
And here’s the spicy one. The team making crates and cosmetics actually has nothing to do with optimization or performance—and it’s super important that they keep doing what they’re doing.
You couldn’t just move them onto a job optimizing world assets or other potentially performance-inefficient visuals in the game. Game developers are not like villagers in Age of Empires. You can’t just tell a guy who’s cutting trees to go start helping others build a wall and expect him to switch into that role seamlessly. However, what you CAN do is reinvest in your company and hire more people who are specialized in specific roles (like art asset creation, or engine optimization) and then take the time to ramp those people up on the role and get them to the point where they can make the performance-impacting changes everyone wants.
That’s what we’re doing. That’s why we’re building an entirely new company (PUBG Corp. as its own thing separated in some ways from Bluehole) to invest in building this game long term. It’s also why, as a company built around a game, you can see us experimenting with different ways to monetize the game in a sustainable long-lasting way.
The cosmetics/monetization people are CRUCIAL because they’re trying to find ways we can support a growing team of “builders” around this game and still be revenue positive in year two, year three, year ten, way after people have stopped buying new copies.
So far we’ve been blessed with truly insane sales. PUBG is likely one of the ten best-selling (not free) videogames ever made. And it’s great to make money on initial sales of a game. But if you want to build a company and an ongoing, evolving service around a game that stands the test of time, you’ve gotta figure out ways to make money in an ongoing way, too.
Most video game company spokespeople would not do what I’m doing here (give you real talk about monetization and how companies think about it). So... I’m interested to see how this pans out lol.



3.这是个棘手的问题。制作包装箱和美术的团队实际上与优化或性能无关 - 而且非常重要的是,他们需要完成他们正在做的工作。


这就是我们正在做的。这就是为什么我们要建立一个全新的公司(PUBG Corp.作为自己的事情与Bluehole以某种方式分离)来投资建设这个游戏的长期。这也是为什么,作为围绕游戏构建的公司,您可以看到我们尝试各种不同的方式,以可持续的持久方式实现游戏盈利。
到目前为止,我们已经被真正疯狂的销售所蒙蔽。 PUBG可能是有史以来最畅销的十款电子游戏之一。在游戏的最初销售中赚钱真是太棒了。但是如果你想在经受时间考验的游戏周围建立一个公司和一个持续发展的服务,你就必须想办法以持续的方式赚钱。

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