本帖最后由 jxr161 于 2018-5-15 16:44 编辑
今日SA服的某GM在SA服官方discord中谈论了即将到来的更新内容。其原文为葡萄牙语,且发出后不久便被发行商官方告知删除,甚至官方discord也被全部抹去。。。但还是被潜伏在其内部的reddit网友及时粘贴复制下来并做了翻译。声明:目前这个所谓泄露的更新内容真实度不明,在此也仅作猜测讨论,毕竟如果这些是真实的,准备迎接一大波退坑潮吧。下面是reddit网友翻译的准确版:This would be a more accurate translation: Zerk mobile shot does not drop more player, only monster side + right = now of super armor and increases the movement distance when level up Striker Triple awakening = Dash wins super armor W + right on awakening = gain front guard Ninja Phantom Step = Consume Stamina Now Ninjustsu: escaping = will apply only an effect that I could not translate into walks that makes sense Valk Reduction of PvP damage No more stamina recovers during readiness shift + x = increase in 1 min of cooldown Celestial Spear = lost super armor Holy Lance = lost super armor Elion Blessing = Cooldown increased by 90 sec Alertness consumes 200 stamina Musa and Maehwa Pursuit in cooldown no longer has super armor and increased stamina consumption Musah Q = invencibildiade turned front guard Maehwa shift + Z and side + shift of maehwa no longer invincible, now give Guards Frontal Warrior Shift + X = lost front guard run = spend stamina Ranger Shift + right = lost front guard shift + Z = lost super armor flow: called celestial = invincibility turned super armor Q = lost super armor wind step = consumes stamina evasive firing = increased stamina consumption Sorc Nightmare (is it?) = Does not recover stamina movement + shift = invincibility turned super armor Impending dream (something like that) = applies paralysis shift + Z = only drops monster, not player Tamer If you receive damage in Celestial Bo state, the effect of Q activates automatically Wizard and Witch Blizzard = reduced damage in pvp and the damage now divides according to the amount of targets hit Protected area = 60 sec increase in cooldown shift + x = lost super armor(rabam heal) Also patch notes said something like this: "wizzard w+f, shit+rmb and blizzard have diminishing returns when used in groups" 由于真实性不明就不逐字翻译了,有兴趣的看看自己的职业就好。全面大削。我个人是玩武士的,追击增加消耗削去霸体基本上就被砍死了。男女法更是砍完PVP砍团战攻击,这是要老死在刷怪点么。。 目前就只是简单的希望这个泄露就是在扯蛋。 |