本帖最后由 nanane 于 17-1-18 20:09 编辑

This 剑灵 became the specifications 极模 is denied all an update.
I think the cause is a scary self diagnostic system of TP.

What 希望之地 in the future?

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3 个回复

蝉息  管理员 | 2017-1-18 19:51
At present we know that some mod can not be used. We will open a theme to collect these unused and unmaintained mod, after which these messages will be frozen.
nanane Lv.8 2017-1-18 20:59
We look forward to the future success. Please do your best.
nanane VIP会员 永久VIP  Lv:4 | 2017-1-18 20:59
蝉息 发表于 17-1-18 20:51
At present we know that some mod can not be used. We will open a theme to collect these unused and u ...

We look forward to the future success.
Please do your best.

 成长值: 57480

Angel灬幻  Lv:4 | 2017-2-11 16:07
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