[资料/攻略] 卡佩恩的日常路线

2015-12-31 23:23

We are going to begin at the location marked as “1” on the map below. On the corner of the street you should find a fruit market and the NPC should have a quest for you.

Accept the quest and run up the street and around the back of the building to find the stairs and jump onto the top of the building. You can also climb up onto the roof if you turn around after accepting the quest and jumping onto the other market stalls.
接任务并顺着街跑,绕道建筑物的背后找到楼梯并跳到建筑物的顶部。 你也可以在接受任务后跳到其他摊子上再爬上屋顶。

Once you are on the roof, climb onto the chimney and press “R”. When you are done jump back down and hand the quest in.

From here run down the street towards the location marked “2” on the map above. There should be a soldier on the corner where the bridge is. He will have a quest for you which requires you to bring a pickpocket back to him.
之后跑到2号位置。 在桥的地方转角会有一个士兵。他会给你一个抓小偷的任务。

This is what the pickpocket should look like. He should be running up and down the street and you just go up to him and press “R” then talk to him to make him follow you. Bring him back to the soldier and hand the quest in.

Next, go to the location marked “3” on the map above. It’s in the alleyway and you can find him by taking a left just before you reach the material merchant. Accept the quest and climb onto the roof with the help of the stairs opposite.
下面去3号位置,在小巷材料商人前面点的地方左边能找到npc。 接任务通过对面的楼梯到屋顶。

Once you are on the roof, climb onto the second chimney and press “R” to clean it. Then jump back down and hand in the quest.

Now go back out of the alleyway back towards the soldier. This time go across the bridge where all the soldiers are lined up, there should also be an elephant on the bridge. As soon as you are across the bridge turn right and go through the arch. This area is marked as “4” on the map.

You should see an old woman. Accept the quest from her then turn around and go up to one of the chickens running around in the square. Press “R” to interact with the chicken then go back to the woman to hand in the quest. Just behind the old woman you will see a passage which will take you into the next area.

Once you’ve gone through the passage you should see a market stall on the left. This area is marked as “5” on the map above. Talk to the woman to accept the quest, then pick up one of the barrels on the left of her.

Next, turn around and go through a passage on the right, walk over the bridge and on the right you should should see a wall with an archway. Go through here and you should see an open building with a soldier on either side of the door. Run straight through the building and on the left you will see a man. This area is marked “6” on the map above. Drop the barrel by pressing “R” then talk to him. Run back through the building and across the bridge to hand in the quest. If you cant find the shortcut you can run all the way around the building. Use the pathfinder to help you.

Go back toward the bridge you just crossed. On the right you should see a set of stairs and a building below. This area is marked “7” on the map below.

Climb onto the roof and talk to the boy sat at the end of the roof.

Go across the bridge and turn right to go through the archway again where the two soldiers are. Press “R” to talk to one of them then go back to the boy on the roof to hand the quest in. If you have trouble finding the soldiers use your pathfinder. The location of the soldiers is also marked “8” on the map above.

Once you’ve handed the previous quest in, run back across the bridge and straight up the road until you see some stairs. On the right of the stairs should be a soldier with a quest for you. This location is marked “9” on the map above.

A protester should be either behind or to the left of you. Go up to the protester and press “R” to talk to him. Make him follow you back to the soldier and hand in the quest.

From here go up the stairs behind the solider and talk to the soldier on the left at the top of the stairs. Behind the solider you should see a fountain.

Run up to the fountain and on the left side you should see a book. Press “R” to interact with the book then go back to the soldier to hand in the quest.

Now you can either run back down the stairs and across the bridge, or you can run down the stairs and turn right to run around. You want to get to the location marked “10” on the map above. Once you get to the alleyway you should see a boy standing on a post with a few other people gathered around him. Talk to the boy to accept the quest. Just behind the boy you should see an elevator. Get into the elevator.

Once you’re at the top of the elevator get out and turn left. You should see a small bridge leading into the building. Begin to cross the bridge then from here jump on the roof and press “R” to clean the chimney. Once you are done jump back down and hand in the quest.

Next, turn left and run further down the alleyway. You should see a tall man with his back to you. This location is marked “11” on the map.

From here run further down the road and through the archway. On the right you should see a stable area with wheelbarrows. Press “R” to pick up the wheelbarrow then take it back to the worker to hand in the quest. The location of the wheelbarrows is marked “12” on the map above.

Next, run back towards the boy on the post, at the end of the road there will be some stairs on the left. Climb up the stairs and follow the stairs all the way to the top. Turn right at the top and run up the road towards a woman then through the archway just past her. Go around the back of the buildings then turn right towards the palace. You should see a ramp on the left and wagon on the right. Go up the ramp and keep following the road and going up the stairs until you reach the gardens. From the gardens turn right and go up the stairs once more. This area is marked “13” on the map. If you have trouble finding the stairs use your pathfinder. Using your pathfinder will make you run all the way around though!

Here you should see two women with red hair and dressed in blue. Talk to the woman on the left to accept the quest. Then go through the building just behind them.

Once you’ve gone through the building head left and you should see a group of people. Talk to the one with the hood and take the quest “Moon Pearls”. This area is marked “14” on the map above.
当你过来后看到一群人,接任务 月亮帕尔斯,这里是14号位置。

Head back through the building and down the stairs towards the gardens. The gardens are marked “15” on the map below.

Once you are at the gardens you should see some plants. Press “R” to interact with them then go back to the woman in the hood to hand in the quest. Sometimes this quest can be buggy and will not let you interact with the plants. If this happens you can either abandon the quest and try again, or skip the quest.

Now we are almost done! Run all the way back out of the palace and down the stairs towards the main area of Calpheon. Go across the bridge where the soldiers and elephant are and go down the alley on the right. Here talk to the man in the screenshot below to  hand in your final quest.

From the Calpheon daily quests in this guide you should get an item that looks like a dagger. Once you’ve collected 7 of this item you can combine it into this shape —+,Right-clicking the combined item will give you an additional quest for more contribution experience.




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18 个回复

夏律  Lv:4 | 2016-1-1 09:25
这不错  当初我刷贡献的时候也做的这几个任务    海德尔的刷一圈  卡佩文的刷一圈 然后清理掉鱼塘哥布林那边的刷怪贡献任务 再跑一趟梅迪亚的跑腿任务  每天花个1小时左右 255贡献之前 每天都能拿5点贡献
芹菜sama  Lv:6 | 2015-12-31 23:27
jiejiemjy  Lv:2 | 2015-12-31 23:30
感谢 不过卡佩恩的日常都没怎么做, 感觉卡佩恩跑起来没海德尔舒服  太大了
苏墨  Lv:2 | 2016-1-1 00:20
lolo7890  Lv:3 | 2016-1-1 08:12
十分詳細 感謝樓主
Mayoyi乀  Lv:4 | 2016-1-1 09:26
zxc5669842  Lv:2 | 2016-1-7 21:32
牛在天上飞  Lv:4 | 2016-4-2 23:18
我在卡佩恩又发现了 捉山羊 展示布料 喂小鸡 测试大炮几个日常 回来截图帮楼主 补完一下
喵喵灬咪呀  Lv:4 | 2016-4-2 23:35
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