本帖最后由 iVAiU 于 6-25 09:51 编辑

This post is mainly an English version of:
but not a translation.

I'll make it as short as possible.
I use UltraEdit in this case.

This is an example supplied by @helpus.
60054_JinF → 010031_JinF
The upk contains 60054_JinF.psk is 00013284.upk

This is the original 00013284.upk

1. Change the 4th byte ahead of 60054_JinF to 0C.
2. Insert 1 byte ahead of 60054_JinF.

//Explanation: B represents 11 in hexadecimal.
//For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexadecimal
3. Write 010031_JinF as desired:

4. Delete 1 byte in the string 00013284.
5. Change the 4th byte ahead of 0013284 to 08.

//Explanation:  00013284 is the name of the upk file.
//If you can't find a string that is exactly the name of the file, you will have to find another string, and treat the string as above, which is, to reduce the length by 1. Wrong choice of the string would cause the file being unreadable to BNS. I don't have much experience in this, as that kind of files is rather rare.

6. Put 0013284 to hex Zero, as:
    then we're done.

You might want to do
60054_JinF_Physics → 010031_JinF_Physics
as well. Just do as above, but in this case, string 00013284 should be reduced to 013284, and 09 to 07, not 08.
Remember, if you lengthen one single string by X bytes, you will have to reduce another string by X bytes.
Do NOT forget the 4th byte ahead of the string!!
Step 6 might not be necessary.
UltraEdit with crack:
In UltraEdit, use Ctrl+D to open the window of "Hex Insert/Delete" to insert or delete byte(s).

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7 个回复

anyuepengn  Lv:3 | 2014-6-25 09:59
what ?
iVAiU Lv.8 2014-6-25 10:02
iVAiU  Lv:4 | 2014-6-25 10:02

susie97  极模组 | 2014-6-27 06:41
helpus  Lv:2 | 2014-6-27 07:38
本帖最后由 helpus 于 6-29 12:25 编辑

wow.. thank you! thank you so much..!

but..How do I reverse case? T.T..

blackjpal  Lv:2 | 2014-7-1 08:24
chojaehwan  Lv:5 | 2014-7-7 14:52
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