User Interface
Program controlled mostly with keyboard. To get key assignment help, press <H> (help) key. Main keys:
ESC exit from program
H get key help information
PgUp, PgDown switching between loaded objects
[, ] switch between mesh animations
<, > rewind animation time backward/forward
Space, X start animation playback (single and looped)
Ctrl+A switch between different animation sets (required for viewing UE3 animations)
Ctrl+T tag/untag mesh for multipart mesh rendering
F focus camera on mesh
Ctrl+X export current displaying object
Ctrl+S/Alt+S take a screenshot; when Alt+S is used backgound will be made transparent
Ctrl+Q toggle displaying of texts and coordinate system axis
You can rotate camera holding left mouse button, zoom with right mouse button, or pan camera (move alongside screen plane) with middle mouse button.