[163music]1_1_4281094_Flow(Shine Dion)[/163music]
A mad wind is flowing and then is fading where 轻和的晨风吹来,不知散于何方 There're wholly awake distant mist spewing to misc 她唤醒了薄雾,薄雾在不远处荡漾 The flower are unfolding clear wind to the leas speak to shunshine get so sooth 她吹过朝阳,花儿正在开放,草坪上的露珠闪着祥和的光 Go through the wooden land,the trees are sleekly dancing 她走过林间的小路,树木齐齐欢快摇晃 The whistle of the wind turn abuzz 树叶飒飒做响 While all of the birds are flying divide in the air 吹过成群的飞鸟,鸟儿一轰而散 Sparkling culvers' tweet the morning clear 来动听的斑鸠声,让这个早晨更加清朗 Somewhere far somewhere near,whistle lit up in the air 风儿远风儿近,风儿轻轻把歌唱 Flowing in the morning shine,dreams are dancing in the air 歌声传来美如梦,和着阳光和花香 Silver threads are flowing down the mountainside ,lily pads twinkling,dew gets her way 路似银丝,盘山轻轻上;风儿步轻挪,露珠把路让 A mad wind is flowing and then is fading where 轻和的晨风吹来,不知散于何方 There're wholly awake distant mist spewing to misc 她唤醒了薄雾,薄雾在不远处荡漾 Somewhere far somewhere near,whistle lit up in the air 风儿远风儿近,风儿轻轻把歌唱 Flowing in the morning shine ,dreams are dancing in the air 歌声传来美如梦,和着阳光和花香 Somewhere far somewhere near,whistle lit up in the air 风儿远风儿近,风儿轻轻把歌唱 Flowing in the morning shine ,dreams are dancing in the air 歌声传来美如梦,和着阳光和花香
发现这个文字颜色比纯灰色好看多啦 本来因为学校事情有点多稍微有点压抑 游个泳 再听首Flow 心情马上好了 这首歌真是 一听起来就停不下来 单曲循环无数次
最近有点不想作图了 应该是因为 没什么创意了 整天重复自己固定的风格一样的套路 能有什么新意呢 还是听听凯尔特中古音乐 真正有脑洞的时候再说
PS今天测试了一下MBTI 说不清多少次测试了 感觉挺有意思的