[闲聊] 听到首老歌好好听 - -

2016-1-17 02:24
碧落流苏  Lv:5 | 2016-1-17 15:57
大婶爱笨笨 发表于 16-1-17 15:56

大婶爱笨笨 Lv.14 2016-1-17 15:57
我刚还没听嘛 顾着看雨伞了
大婶爱笨笨  Lv:7 | 2016-1-17 15:57
碧落流苏 发表于 16-1-17 15:57

我刚还没听嘛 顾着看雨伞了
碧落流苏  Lv:5 | 2016-1-17 16:02
[music]1697590_We Are The World (Demo)(Michael Jackson)[/music]

there is a time
when we should hear a certain call
'cause the world, it seems it's written in these lines
'cause there's a chance for takin'
in leading our own lives
it seems we need nothing at all
i used to feel
i should give away my heart
and it shows that we are needed in there
then i read the headlines
and it said that got in there
and it showed that we are --- in there
we are the world
we are the children
we are the one to make a brighter day
so let's start givin'
there's a chance we're takin'
we're takin all our lives
it's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me
given your heart
and you will see that someone cares
'cause you know that they can't feed them all
then i read the papers
and it said that you and i
and it shows the --- when we work hard
we are the world
we are the children
we are the one to make a brighter day
so let's start givin'
there's a chance we're takin'
we're takin all our lifes
it's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me
now there's a time when we must love at all
and it seem the life, make love at all
and i love you more and more
it seem you and i will make a new day
we are the world
(the world!)
we are the children
(are the children!)
we are the ones to make a brighter day
so let's start givin'
(let's start givin'!)
there's a chance we're takin'
we're takin all our lives
it's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me
we are the world
(are the world!)
we are the children
(are the children!)
we are the one to make a brighter day
so let's start givin'
(so let's start givin'!)
there's a chance we're takin'
we're takin all our lives
it's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me
we are the world
we are the children
we are the one to make a brighter day
so let's start givin'
('cause that's what we're bein!)
there's a chance we're takin'
we're takin all our lives
it's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me
(com'on! yeah!)
we are the world
we are the children
we are the one to make a brighter day
so let's start givin'
('cause that's what we're bein!)
there's a chance we're takin'
we're takin all our lives
it's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me
(oooooooh yeah!)
we are the world
we are the children
we are the one to make a brighter day
so let's start givin'
('cause that's what we're bein!)
there's a chance we're takin'
we're takin all our lives
it's true we're make it a brighter day just you

We Are The World》,中文译名《天下一家》。由流行天王迈克尔·杰克逊莱昂纳尔·里奇共同作曲,由迈克尔杰克逊独自填词并引领美国 45 位歌星联合演唱,传奇制作人昆西·琼斯负责制作,旨在呼吁世界帮助非洲饥荒人民。此曲在 1985 年获得格莱美四项大奖,并最终筹集了 6000 万美元的慈善捐款,是史上最著名最伟大的公益单曲

大婶爱笨笨 Lv.14 2016-1-17 16:05
大婶爱笨笨  Lv:7 | 2016-1-17 16:05
碧落流苏 发表于 16-1-17 16:02
[music]1697590_We Are The World (Demo)(Michael Jackson)[/music]

碧落流苏 Lv.10 2016-1-17 16:14
碧落流苏  Lv:5 | 2016-1-17 16:14 来自手机
大婶爱笨笨 发表于 16-1-17 16:05

大婶爱笨笨 Lv.14 2016-1-17 16:14
大婶爱笨笨  Lv:7 | 2016-1-17 16:14
碧落流苏 发表于 16-1-17 16:14

simongzi  Lv:1 | 2016-1-17 17:36
这首歌好好听啊 赞一个!
大婶爱笨笨 Lv.14 2016-1-17 17:47
终于有人欣赏 开心!!
大婶爱笨笨  Lv:7 | 2016-1-17 17:47
simongzi 发表于 16-1-17 17:36
这首歌好好听啊 赞一个!

终于有人欣赏 开心!!
大婶爱笨笨  Lv:7 | 2016-1-20 18:30
大婶爱笨笨  Lv:7 | 2016-1-20 18:33
兔狲酱 发表于 16-1-20 18:33
粤语的啊 一毛钱也听不懂!!

我刚去抽了2发都是好东西 不愧!!
参与人数 1 C币 +5 收起 理由
兔狲酱 + 5 赞一个!


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