[求助] Why cause a bug?

2015-12-20 16:32
It is a Korean new costume, but will cause a bug.
Do not stomach those who have succeeded in transplanting?

無名の QQ スクリーンショット20151219225907.png 無名の QQ スクリーンショット20151219224600.png

無名の QQ スクリーンショット20151219225637.png 無名の QQ スクリーンショット20151219224758.png 無名の QQ スクリーンショット20151219224512.png

Cause and solution we want to know.
please help me 。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
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13 个回复

sakuma919  荣誉会员 | 2015-12-20 19:35
This dress has no physics so far.
nanane Lv.8 2015-12-22 10:53
It is the physical data has not been incorporated. Please also let me know if you have it you do not know what. Thank you very much.
流年似水002  Lv:3 | 2015-12-20 18:08
My God this dress so beautiful, but I think this is an unfinished clothes, so now can not wear, and then wait for the official update might be able to fix.
nanane Lv.8 2015-12-22 10:55
It is the physical data has not been incorporated. Please also let me know if you have it you do not know what. Thank you very much.
elena25  Lv:3 | 2015-12-20 17:08
本帖最后由 elena25 于 15-12-20 17:09 编辑

Это не bug. Он еще не доделан. Это только основа, и у нее физики нет. Надо подождать, наверное.

This is not a bug. It has not completed yet. It is only the foundation, and it is not physics. We have to wait, I guess.
nanane Lv.8 2015-12-22 10:54
It is the physical data has not been incorporated. Please also let me know if you have it you do not know what. Thank you very much.
nanane VIP会员 永久VIP  Lv:4 | 2015-12-22 10:53
sakuma919 发表于 15-12-20 20:35
This dress has no physics so far.

It is the physical data has not been incorporated.
Please also let me know if you have it you do not know what.
Thank you very much.

 成长值: 57480

nanane VIP会员 永久VIP  Lv:4 | 2015-12-22 10:54
elena25 发表于 15-12-20 18:08
Это не bug. Он еще не доделан. Это только основа, и у нее ф ...

It is the physical data has not been incorporated.
Please also let me know if you have it you do not know what.
Thank you very much.

 成长值: 57480

nanane VIP会员 永久VIP  Lv:4 | 2015-12-22 10:55
流年似水002 发表于 15-12-20 19:08
My God this dress so beautiful, but I think this is an unfinished clothes, so now can not wear, and  ...

It is the physical data has not been incorporated.
Please also let me know if you have it you do not know what.
Thank you very much.

 成长值: 57480

NightRaid  Lv:1 | 2015-12-24 09:03
参与人数 1 C币 -10 收起 理由
实验动物M -10 请勿无意义回复


我的媳妇叫Saber  Lv:2 | 2016-8-25 00:07
我的媳妇叫Saber  Lv:2 | 2016-8-25 00:07
nanane Lv.8 2016-8-25 09:27
是。这是正确的。 它似乎并没有包含物理数据。 因为你可能在未来实现,我想被列入的情况。 草和CB不希望
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