[图秀] 【 四 季 · 冬 】- [ 暮 冬 ]

2015-9-16 23:16
1暖春1  Lv:3 | 2015-9-17 14:50
流逝指尖的往昔  Lv:2 | 2015-9-17 15:45
风格死 Lv.10 2015-9-17 16:01
小鲸鱼  Lv:1 | 2015-9-17 16:09
NIKiu  Lv:2 | 2015-9-17 16:40
ashenwind  Lv:2 | 2015-9-17 17:21
Possibly the best work I've seen here so far.

The leaves changing color..

then the power walk scene..

the one with sketch-like style is my favorite (the last picture). How did you make it so?

While the storytelling suits the character very well, too bad you didn't make it wuxia-themed instead. But it's just a small flaw. Compared to the whole work it's nothing.


If you don't understand what I'm saying, feel free to tell me. And I'm sorry xp
风格死 Lv.10 2015-9-17 17:50
ashenwind Lv.4 2015-9-17 17:48
It's fine the way it is. His clothes definitely suits the feels being given by the story. I just thought that it's a little weird seeing travelling cowboy hacking enemy with huge axe :)
风格死 Lv.10 2015-9-17 17:39
Final the overall style,you say's right,too bad but I tried my best.Sorry~I will continue to work hard at it.
风格死 Lv.10 2015-9-17 17:35
Understood 90%.First thank you for your praise and admire.It's my pleasure.Then about the last picture,I think we have to thank some software designer.
jkping1991  Lv:2 | 2015-9-17 21:39
莜堇  Lv:4 | 2015-9-18 08:08
不要对着我撸管  Lv:2 | 2015-9-18 10:45
BGM不错 收了{:7_158:}
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